Tuesday 17 December 2013

Yang Mana Satu Worktop Pilihan Hati?


In conjunction nak make over rumah ni, we bought a few books for our reference sebab not much reference yang boleh didapati in the net. One of the book yang we bought is Interiors; Inspiration and Materials. 

Insides, the writer ade wrote about Flooring, Walls, Kitchens, Bathrooms and Lightings. So, roughly we got the idea la what is the different of kitchen worktops for instance.

Therefore, I nak share a bit about the minus and plus points of the different types of worktops.

So dah decide ke nak worktop yang mana satu??? heeee

Above all, kita kat Malaysia ni biasanya akan guna Laminate, Granite or Solid Wood untuk rumah. Kalau yang Stainless Steel tu generally industry like food chain yang akan guna.

KC Contractor will definitely advise to for Granite as it is durable and heavy duty tapi Granite a bit expensive. My personal point of view is just go for Granite even you've a tight budget, you'll never regret the aftermath. Save your money for Granite.....

Wednesday 11 December 2013

The Big Bad Wolf 2013


Today marked a public holiday for Selangor resident. So I took the chance to go to Malaysia’s famous book fair, Big Bad Wolf. This is my first visit to the book fair. Before ni dh banyak kali attempt to go tapi ade je halangan. This time round, I’ll make sure no matter how; we must get there since orang kate memang sangat worth buying books at BBW. It is indeed.

I saw ramai yang bawak all sorts of carrier. Ada yang bawak luggage, trolley, ade jugak yang use stroller as a carrier. Too much of books that you can't resist to get of course, plus those stacks of books are quite heavy. Lenguh la jugak tangan kalau asyik nak pegang sementara nak enjoy our own sweet time leaf through the book before buying it. .We didn't bring any since takde plan nak beli banyak pon, 8 books je yang sempat di grab in 1hour (Rushing sebab Azman got work to do later). 

This is the entrance of the book fair

Wednesday 7am, not much crowd yet.

The cashier, you have an option to pay via credit card or cash.

If you park at the basement, go to Level 1 heading to Dewan Canal to enter the book fair.

Entrance from parking to the Lobby. 

Parking is RM 3 per entry.

Hasil tangkapan for my little one. RM 12. Toddler's books price range is from RM 3 to RM 15.

Rasa macam nak grab semua books for Aisyah but since she is only 1.9 yo, I'd better hold back. She can't even read lagi pon. Baru nak kenal ABC and 123 and animals and shapes jek. I thought of buying her coloring book since die suke sangat menconteng but I couldn't find yang suitable for her age. 

For Her
RM 8 per book. Normal price is more or less RM 40 per book. All fictions yang I tengok is RM 8, I guess you can get all fictions at RM 8 which is sangat worth. 

For Him..errr for both of us. RM 20. 300 pages.

Sempena nak mengecat rumah, Azman  decided to have this book. RM25. Hard cover. 100 pages.

Cooking books pon ade tapi I couldn't find yang Malaysia punye cuisine. Kebanyakan nye cuisine yang lain selain dr Malaysia. Like Thai, Chinese and Indo. More than half of the cookery book is westernization. Like salad, pasta, grilled.

Other than that, ade Travelling punye book, photography, business and banyak lagi.

But but but but......alas, no reading material yang berkaitan Islam dapat dijumpai di book fair ini. It is quite unacceptable kan. Very disheartening. 

Monday 9 December 2013

Tujuh Perkara Ganjil Dilihat Oleh Pencuri kain Kafan

Terdapat seorang pemuda yang kerjanya menggali kubur dan mencuri kain kafan untuk dijual. Pada suatu hari pemuda tersebut berjumpa dengan seorang ahli ibadah untuk kenyatakan kekesalannya dan keinginan untuk bertaubat kepada Allah s. w. t. Dia berkata,”Sepanjang aku menggali kubur untuk mencuri kain kafan, aku telah melihat 7 perkara ganjil yang menimpa mayat-mayat tersebut. Lantaran aku merasa sangat insaf atas perbuatanku yang sangat keji itu dan ingin sekali bertaubat.”

” Yang pertama, aku lihat mayat yang pada siang harinya menghadap kiblat. Tetapi apabila aku menggali semula kuburnya pada waktu malam, aku lihat wajahnya telah pun membelakangkan kiblat. Mengapa terjadi begitu, wahai tuan guru?” tanya pemuda itu. ” Wahai anak muda, mereka itulah golongan yang telah mensyirikkan Allah s. w. t. sewaktu hidupnya. LantaranAllah s. w. t. menghinakan mereka dengan memalingkan wajah mereka dari mengadap kiblat, bagi membezakan mereka daripada golongan muslim yang lain,” jawab ahli ibadah tersebut.

Sambung pemuda itu lagi, ” Golongan yang kedua, aku lihat wajah mereka sangat elok semasa mereka dimasukkan ke dalam liang lahad. Tatkala malam hari ketika aku menggali kubur mereka, ku lihat wajah mereka telah pun bertukar menjadi babi. Mengapa begituhalnya, wahai tuan guru?” Jawab ahli ibadah tersebut,” Wahai anak muda, mereka itulah golongan yang meremehkan dan meninggalkan solat sewaktu hidupnya.Seungguhnya solat merupakan amalan yang pertama sekali dihisab. Jika sempurna solat, maka sempurnalah amalan-amalan kita yang lain.”

Pemuda itu menyambung lagi, ” Wahai tuan guru, golongan yang ketiga yang aku lihat, pada waktu siang mayatnya kelihatan seperti biasa sahaja. Pabila aku menggali kuburnya pada waktu malam, ku lihat perutnya terlalu gelembung, keluar pula ulat yang terlalu banyak daripada perutnya itu.” ” Mereka itulah golongan yang gemar memakan harta yang haram, wahai anak muda,”balas ahli ibadah itu lagi.

” Golongan keempat, kulihat mayat yang jasadnya bertukar menjadi batu bulat yang hitam warnanya. Mengapa terjadi begitu, wahai tuan guru?” Jawab ahli ibadah itu, ” Wahai pemuda, itulah golonganmanusia yang derhaka kepada kedua ibu bapanya sewaktu hayatnya. Sesungguhnya Allah s.w. t. sama sekali tidak redha kepada manusia yang menderhakai ibu bapanya.”

“Golongan kelima, ku lihat ada pula mayat yang kukunya amat panjang,hingga membelit-belit seluruh tubuhnya dan keluar segala isi dari tubuh badannya,” sambung pemuda itu. ” Anak muda,mereka itulah golongan yang gemar memutuskan silaturrahim. Semasa hidupnya mereka suka memulakan pertengkaran dan tidak bertegur sapa lebih daripada 3 hari. Bukankah Rasulullah s. a. w. pernah bersabda, bahawa sesiapa yang tidak bertegur sapa melebihi 3 hari bukanlah termasuk dalam golongan umat baginda,” jelas ahli ibadah tersebut.

” Wahai guru, golongan yang keenam yang aku lihat,sewaktu siangnya lahadnya kering kontang. Tatkala malam ketika aku menggali semula kubur itu, kulihat mayat tersebut terapung dan lahadnya dipenuhi air hitam yang amat busuk baunya,” ” Wahai pemuda, itulah golongan yang memakan harta riba sewaktu hayatnya,”jawab ahli ibadah tadi. “

Wahai guru, golongan yang terakhir yang aku lihat,mayatnya sentiasa tersenyum dan berseri-seri pula wajahnya. Mengapa demikian halnya wahai tuan guru?”tanya pemuda itu lagi. Jawab ahli ibadah tersebut, “Wahai pemuda, mereka itulah golongan manusia yang berilmu. Dan mereka beramal pula dengan ilmunya sewaktu hayat mereka. Inilah golongan yang beroleh keredhaan dan kemuliaan disisi Allah s. w. t. baik sewaktu hayatnya mahupun sesudah matinya.” Ingatlah,sesungguhn ya daripada Allah s. w. t kita datang dan kepadaNya jualah kita akan kembali. Kita akan dipertanggungjawabk an atas setiap amal yang kita lakukan, hatta amalan sebesar zarah.


Wednesday 4 December 2013

Food Handler Course


MOH dah panggil for Penilaian Pengajaran Kursus Wajib Tenaga Pengajar Program Latihan Pengendali Makanan..panjang nye name course. So marilah kite start study and prepare for the presentation. Wish me luck too. Ohh..actually this course is for whoever yang nak jadi certified food handler trainer under MOH. I guess since tak ramai yang tahu about this course except orang2 yang dalam food field. Let me briefly explain ape itu Food Handler Trainer. Kalau dalam bidang food chain restaurant or food manufacturing or food processing, orang yang handle food tu kene pergi kursus Food Handler. Kursus Food Handler tu compulsory. Kalau xde, boleh kene saman. So, course yang I will attend ni ialah nak jadi trainer kepada food handlers tu. If I pass the exam, I akan jadi certified trainer, so sesape yang nak panggil I buat training...boleh la..hehe...kire fee kawan2  je.


Wednesday 27 November 2013

Pahala Berpanjangan (In Shaa Allah)

  1. Menyertai dalam pembinaan masjid. Bilamana setiap kali muslim yang solat di masjid tersebut, kita dapat pahala.

 2. Sumbangkan kerusi roda ke hospital. Bilamana setiap kali ada pesakit menggunakannya, kita dapat pahala.

 3. Bagi Al-Quran kepada seseorang, Bilamana setiap kali orang membaca al-quran tu , kita dapat pahala.

4. Letakkan water cooler di tempat awam. Bilamana setiap kali orang minum , kita dapat pahala

5. Tanam pokok yang boleh berteduh Bilamana setiap kali orang atau binatang berlindung di pokok tu, kita dapat pahala

 6. Panjangkan message ni pada orang lain, Bilamana setiap kali orang lakukan kesemua yang di atas selepas membaca message ini kita dapat pahala

I took this from 

IKEA and Chai Aluminum Builder (Kitchen Cabinet)

Warning: Verbose entry


Kitchen Cabinet hunting starts on Sunday. Sebab Saturday we just lazed around at home, spending quality time with family plus doing some house chores…hihi.  Ye la, 2 weeks in a row Azman and Aisyah tak sihat, really cannot do anything lah…haiyoh…on Saturday tu dah buat 3D hand drawing and dah amek ape-ape ukuran yang patut.

Beginilah rupa hasil kerja tangan Azman

The next day, which is Sunday, pagi2 dah keluar, first destination of course la pi breakie dulu…hihi…having heavy breakfast since kitaorg expecting to have late lunch or most probably kene skip lunch. We don’t have much time.

Weekend is the only time yang we can go out hunting for the home deco stuff. Usually I and Azman won’t opt to go out on weekdays. Lepas tuuuu.......out of the blue Azman said, let’s go to IKEA first. So, after breakfast, instead of heading off to KC store, we went to IKEA!!!! YAY!!

Guess what? We spent 2 hours surveying around the IKEA…so sekarang we have a clear picture of the KC design. Inside the KC tu, nak letak shelf semua ke, nak ade pull out drawer ke, wire drawer ke...macam-macam la info yang dapat when pegi IKEA. We didn’t buy anything pon kat IKEA. Jalan-jalan. tengok-tengok, planning-planning and go off.

IKEA here and there

Cantik tak Mellby Armchair ni?

Next stop is Chai Aluminum Builder (CAB).

We brought our so-called layout KC plan to CAB, and sampai2 jek, terus discuss pasal kitchen measurement and KC design. Eceh..tanya2 soalan pon macam expert jek. Mentang2 la baru pergi IKEA kan..bhahahaha.

Discuss punye discuss, keluarla satu price from CAB. Mak aiiiii makcik oiii…memang definitely out of our budget la. Wuwuwu…so devastated la you…I was taken aback with the cost actually, but I tgk muka Azman rilex jek. Okke then.

The sales girl said she quoted us based on the promotion price, normal price would be double the price. Whoaaahh….the KC really cost us a fortune laaaa. I’m afraid that we might have to postpone. There you go. No Consensus been made. The End. Balik. L

Chai Aluminum Builder Kitchen Cabinet
Address: No 53, Jalan Sanggul 1F, 41200 Klang.Malaysia.
Contact Number: 03-5166 2956

In the car

Aisyah pon dah tak larat nak jalan...tido jek la ecah ye....

Me: B, y u doesn’t look surprised with the price yg CAB tu quote(RM18K)?
Azman : I tau je yang memang KC is around that price.
Me: Oooww…meaning u know that we will be out of our budget ker?
Azman: We won’t. Trust me.
Me: (Dumbfounded) are we going to cut down allocations for others (autogate, flooring, plaster ceiling)?
Azman: We work it out okke.
Me: (Tak menjawab soalan)

We were home by 430pm.

After Maghrib Azman start working on the KC again. Aisyah went to bed dy. Relatively keadaan agak tenang untuk berfikir. After cracking our head, we come to a decision to go for IKEA KC.

We'd downloaded IKEA KITCHEN PLANNER to design the KC. Tapi using this gizmo is quite troublesome jugak la. (TIPS: Do register yourselves first before start using the planner). Bukan quite troublesome, memang SANGAT mendokusai (menyusahkan). But you have to be patience la and u’ll be amazed and contented with the aftermath. We took almost 5hours to completely patching up the cabinets.

Azman said nak buat guna autocad kat ofis je on Monday tapi dah tak sabar sangat nak tgk the outcome, gigih jugak guna planner IKEA ni.

Lepas tu kami buat kira2, and you know what, the cost is much much much cheaper than CAB. Cost of CAB KC is RM18K, while IKEA (based on what we've choose) is RM 9090.Can you see the difference.

IKEA's KC can be mahal and can be murah depends on your design and preference sebab IKEA offers a wide range of harga based on your budget and your kebesaran dapur.

Left hand side: CAB,
Right hand side: IKEA (Yang we do on our own)

Indeed because of the material la, CAB guna aluminum with granite table top while IKEA, we choose particleboard, fiberboard and segala board bagai (most likely to get termite infestation). Takpe, panggil orang pest control buat service before install the KC ye (sedapkan hati).

Bye bye Mellby.....JJJ

Friday 22 November 2013

Over The Moon Part 2

Salam Jumaat

I’ve been dreaming endlessly after we got green light to renovate the kitchen area and makeover the living room. Sangat haywire living in a house that full of fittings yang  caca marba. No matter how hard I try to tidy up the room, it still doesn’t look neat as a pin.

So, skarang mood yang sangat excited untuk verangan and planning for the KC. I start to roughly draft on the KC and wardrobe design sebab I want to make it as perfect as possible. We are not filthy rich and we need to spend the money wisely. I have to precisely plan so that we will not regret and grieve over it in the future.

For the start, I jot down dulu semua dining ware, plastic container, pots and pans, sundry etc etc yang ada kat dapur sekarang so that I would have rough idea on the KC design. Where to put this and that. Same goes to build in wardrobe for master bedroom.


And I pon ade survey2 contractor untuk KC through the net. So far, xde yang bagi full info as I required i.e. measurement and cost.  Kalau nak tahu cost kene PM and so on. Mendokusai.

Besides, the most important end is the contractor mestilah near my housing area. Cari punya cari, terjumpa satu contractor kat FB (Chai Builder Aluminum Kitchen Cabinet). So, let’s pay him a visit tomorrow.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Over The Moon


Eventually we have ample money to start home reno. Punye la hari2 verangan nakade my own KC. So, now it is time to start planning on the renovation.work. Since the money saved is not that much compared to what me wish to do , me have to precisely plan and work within the budget lah kan.
My never ending wish list

1. Extend backyard
2. KC
3. Plaster ceiling
4. Level up floor
5. Build in wardrobe in MB
6. Secure space under the stairs for storing system
7. Pergola
8. Autogate
Tengoklah which one can be done with that much of money.

Friday 15 November 2013

My House


Renovating a house will never be a piece of cake. NEVER! Unless you have a fortune of money to splurge on hiring an interior designer like meridien. They will do all the works for you. All you have to do is just advise them on the concept that you want.

As for me and hubby, it doesn't go that way.

We bought our house in late 2010 (6 months after we bertunang) through an agent. Bear in mind that if you're considering to get an agent, you've to pay him/her 1% of the housing price. Reapfield is one of the trusted props agent that you can count on to.

We've been house hunting for at least 4 5 months before we eventually found this sekangkang kera house that match our budget.

The S&P of the house took almost a year starting Jan 2011. We are getting married at that time and expecting to occupy the house somewhere in June 2011 (just after our nuptial), but alas the S&P process is not done on the expecting time-frame.

Why does it took so long? Because the first owner is a Singaporean (Oh, forgot to tell that we are buying a secondary house) and it's very difficult to get him to sign off the concession. This is where the agents are for. He has done a very good job by hammer out a deal with the Singaporean for us to occupy the house despite the S&P hasn't accomplished yet.

Guess what? We've been staying 6 months for free before we start to pay the installment.

Even though this is a second-hand house, but the condition is still like new. No traces of nail holes at all. No water leaking. Paint is still there and not yet faded. No scribbles or scratch on the wall.

So, here we are, after almost 3 years living in the basic designed house, we've finally made up to do a minor renovation.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Kerja Oh Kerja

Makin hari makin bosan nk kerja. I've asked my better half, is there any possibilities that I can quit my job so that I can concentrate to our family and start planning for my business. Alas, the answers is disheartening.

Friday 1 November 2013

3 days without my better half

Dah 3days my husband is away..and this is the first time since Aisyah was born that he is away...i just cudnt handle it at the first day...but at last...x la sengsara sangat pon without him around...hikhikhik....i went to stay at my father's place....

Monday 7 October 2013

Recipe #1 Serawa Durian

My half teringin nk makan serawa durian, aku pon gigih la google recipe on the net. Basically semua ingredients and cooking procedure nye lebeh kurang sama je
1. Isi durian (took frm lebeh kurang 10 ulas)
2. 3 ulas durian (no need to perisi)
3. Seketul gula melaka yg bulat leper tu (di potong dadu, so that die senang hancur, if u r lazy to diced it  campak jek la seketul besaq tu)
4. Sehelau daun pandan (simpulkan)
5. 5 sudu besar gula (kalau xnk manis kurangkn, kalau xnk tawar tambahkan amount)
Okke....masukkan semua bahan2 diatas dlm periuk....
6. Santan (xtau nk ckp byk mana tapi portion santan tu mesti menutupi semua bahan2 diatas)
Tips: kalau rasa terlalu pekat, tambah air....kalau rasa terlalu cair tambah santan dan isi durian
7. Garam (lastly masukkan garam sesedap rasa or sesudu kfc putih tu)

Friday 4 October 2013

Entah Ke Berapa Kali

As Salam

Kali ini I membuat blog yang entah untuk ke berapa kalinya. Sememangnya I bukan lah seorang penulis tegar. Kenapa I tak nak teruskan dengan blog yang lepas? Sebab I rasa betape merepeknye ape yang I post itu. So, this time round buat lagi blog and lets pray no more crap entry posted. Hahahaha.

